Restoration Dentistry

Losing your teeth does not have to be a traumatic experience anymore. Here at Lytle Family Dentistry, we strive to help our patients regain their healthy smiles. When you lose your teeth, it does more harm than just hinder your smile; it can cause issues with your chewing, speech, and even your facial structure. Dr. Justin Crocker and his team of dental experts are prepared to help you in any way to get your smile back. With our services, we can replace one or more lost teeth.

Complete Dental Restorations

Losing your teeth no longer has to be a permanent event. With advances in restorative dentistry, we can help you regain your confidence. There are many causes of losing teeth, but the number one culprit is gum disease which stems from poor oral hygiene. Whatever the reason for your loss of teeth, we can help and explore the options for teeth replacement.

Each person is individual, so the possibilities that may be best for one person may not be the same for another. Here at Lytle Family Dentistry, we focus on each individual’s needs. We want to ensure we recommend the procedure that will be most effective for you. This is why we talk one-on-one with each patient to discuss every option we provide thoroughly.

Our dentist utilizes the most state-of-the-art technology to help you gain a natural-looking and functional smile. Whether you go for implants or complete smile restoration, we are here to service you. Contact our office today to schedule your restoration consultation.